Gallery Schedule

A future exhibition schedule including the exhibition which is being held at present. When cutting with a pin stop whether a painting, a poster and material as well as a picture are hung on a white wall by a wire, it’s possible to exhibit the exhibition contents. An exhibition period is being done based on 2 weeks-1 month.

“Olympic Legacy in Posters”

Exhibition period: On Mon, Jul 1

– Wed, Jul 31_2024

“Olympic in Paris”

Exhibition period: On Thu, Aug 1

– Sat, Aug 31_2024

“The World of Macro-lenz”

Exhibition period: On Sun, Sep 1

– Mon, Sep 30_2024

“Halloween 2024”

Exhibition period: On Tue, Oct 1

– Thu, Oct 31_2024

Red and Yellow Season 2024″

Exhibition period: On Fri, Nov 1

– Sat, Nov 30_2024

Still more virtual Gallery to come!

Exhibition period: On Sun, Dec 1

– Tue, Dec 31_2024

All About Postcard 2025

Exhibition period: On Wed, Jan 1

– Fri, Jan 31_2025